Kathryn McLean; Marketing & Communications Manager, Haywood County Chamber of Commerce

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Power of a Locally Owned Business

In the grand scheme of the global economy we all are becoming one. The lines seperating continents are disolving as the global marketplace continues to connect businesses. The potential profits to be made through the international marketplace is astounding, but is profit really the only thing that matters?

Call me a homebody, but I prefer to call it a love for my community and the small businesses that make it unique. With small business ventures generating more that 75%of the Gross National Product, it is needless to say how truely facinating they are. Entrepreneurs are the creativity of our community. They are the reason tourism driven economies survive and the reason why niche markets continue to arise. Each and everyone different from the other.

As a small business owner I would not enter the international marketplace with a good or service. The concept of "buy local" and support your local economy have really hit home during the recent economic recession. As the economy began to take a hit the small business owners, the chamber of commerce, the local Downtown Merchant Association and more band together to encourage a buy local movement. The power of the local dollar is astounding. A dollar spent in a locally owned business has a greater impact on the local community vs. a dollar spent in an international conglomerate that travels to company headquarters.

Profits are not everything. Don't get me wrong, they are helpful, but they are not what being a business owner is about. Hapiness is in pursueing your dream, opening your start up venture and freedom of being your own boss. Entrepreneurialism encompases much more than profit generation or the quest of international product expansion. What does it mean to you?

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